Preliminary results
The data shown here are true data

They said about the company
in the "flexibility" category
My direct manager cares how many hours I work and does not care about my output

They said about the company in the category
"A company that supports a family"
I had a conversation with one of the employers, and he stated that perhaps pregnant women should not work and that this is a burden on the employers

They said about the company in the category
"Advancement of women"
that the company is male, and many of the key positions are men, and it does not know of plans to promote women to key positions in the organization

They said about the company
In the "Professional Promotion for Women" category
In my 3 years at the company, a promotion was never offered to a woman that I knew, and clearly, less talented men were promoted.

They said about the company in the category
"A company that supports a family"
I had a conversation with one of the employers, and he stated that perhaps pregnant women should not work and that this is a burden on the employers

They said about the company in the category
"General about society"
Come, but take into account that it will be very difficult for you to manage a personal and family life

What would you tell a good friend who is thinking of joining the organization?
that there is flexibility, that there is consideration, and an equal approach - of course if they see that you make an effort and invest and are satisfied with you

What would you tell a good friend who is thinking of joining the organization?
that there is flexibility in working hours, and that all employees are encouraged to go out at least once a week to pick up the children. and who love children and are always happy that they come to work

What would you tell a good friend who is thinking of joining the organization?
That there is a place for women, the issue has been strengthened in the last two years, that there are quite a few promotion possibilities

Asked in a job interview...
When are you going to get pregnant?

In the "family supporting company" category
My personal manager did not like her employees getting pregnant at all, and showed this attitude at every opportunity

Asked in a job interview
Are you ready to commit not to get pregnant during the first year?